


Transfer New Energy is a company focused on sustainable energy generation, electricity storage, electricity consumption and energy digitalization, and related accessories research and development and production. The company designs, develops and manufactures photovoltaic inverters, energy storage systems and intelligent energy management systems, and reaches home and commercial users worldwide through leading sales channels.


Transfer New Energy firm implementation of continuous technological innovation, drive the development of a sustainable growth strategy, always adhere to the scientific and technological innovation and r&d, rely on high-quality platform for the research and development and senior professional r&d team, r&d system around the user needs rich products and rapid response to market trends, for different countries and regions of the user to provide professional distributed energy solutions.The company adheres to the strategy of globalization, based on domestic and foreign, to provide localized services for global customers, will rely on solid technological innovation and pragmatic style close to the market, to steadily serve customers.


Transfer New Energy will shoulder responsibility and mission, adhere to high investment in research and development and technological innovation, committed to creating a global sustainable smart energy ecology, so that users can benefit from sustainable energy.



版權所有◎1999 - 2020 東莞市傳送新能(néng)源有限公司              技術支持:中(zhōng)企動(dòng)力    龍崗